Now & Later (3-Day Process)
This was a project before the semester started. I taught two people on Wednesday, reviewed with those two and taught a new person on Thursday, before filming on Friday for an hour. We got multiple angles and shots by using two iPhones at the same time. A lot of the work went into a last minute introduction with us vibing behind each person freestyling in front along with the editing.
The editing happened that night and I was able to release the video a few hours after we finished filming!
The way I choreographed this project has been different from the rest, where I didn’t listen to the song and pick out what parts of the song I wanted to bring out. Instead, I choreographed by freestyling to it and putting the pieces together. It was the most fun I’ve had choreographing thus far and I think the most organic video I have done, too.
Props to the lovely dancers who learned this piece and executed it so well! I appreciate their hard work and my Entropy family always being willing to work on a project with me!