Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Making Moves: Part One.

I just applied for the new apartments on King Street: 494 Lofts. I decided against a puppy and Bavarian for convenience and able to leave Boone more easily. I won't need to buy as much furniture, I'll be living closer to campus, all utilities are in the rent, and there's free housekeeping. I don't know it just sounds so much better. I'm just going to get on-campus parking. Regardless, it's such a good deal that I won't pass it up! (: I'm seriously excited to live closer to campus next year. Never going to be late for anything ever. Better access to the library and Varsity, no driveway to survive up, and less space to take care of and clean up.

I'm turning in a summer job application tomorrow morning. Leaving for Prelude on Friday after work... Classes to take on Sunday. I have to register for classes next Wednesday.

And we JUST got the email confirming the apartment. (: I just have to pay the $200 administration fee in 24 hours in order to hold the room... Hopefully everything works out. Money is such an issue. EC and I are both doing our best to work on becoming financially secure.

Well, cheers to the future and becoming more responsible!

And here is the video EC and I were a part of this past weekend. (:

Peace. Love. Dance. <3

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