Tuesday, July 8, 2014


We're really trying to watch what we spend. We've really been watching what we've been spending. So the fact that we just got billed $1,500 for water for the last two months is completely ridiculous. We already had Ted look at it and the water people but Thursday I'm trying to get the plumber to come look for ANYTHING. Because I'm not paying this much money for water for two months. Even between two people it's like $500 and that's more than our monthly rent. RIDICULOUS.

Either way, we're struggling to pay for everything right now... Rent, water, electricity, the car, food... We're really trying to stay on our own feet but I won't be mad if we get any money in food stamps... We are hardcore struggling. And it seems like even if we work every day it's not making a difference. ): Always so much to pay for.

I guess this is what life is about?

I miss walking into a store, my mom handing me a $5 bill, and that being the only money I handled ever.

Oh my my my.



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