Monday, July 27, 2015


  • I am no longer breastfeeding. Izzy is completely on formula and eating rice cereal at least twice a day.
  • Izzy can now sit up for a good while before she falls!
  • Izzy can move in a circle and roll over but no back or forward crawling yet!
  • Izzy weighs about 15 and a half pounds and is 25 inches long.
  • She is being called Izzy more instead of Belly.
  • She smiles all the time now! And laughs a lot. She's talking a whole lot more and will actually hold a conversation for a while.
  • She can hold a bottle by herself!
  • She is sleeping through the night now. She's very active during the day and takes a few long naps or lots of short ones.
  • Izzy likes to bounce or pat her hands to music or rhythms!
  • Izzy is starting daycare on August 3 and just got a note to tell them to put her to sleep on her tummy!
  • As a mama, I want to hold every single baby I see. Even if I have Izzy and especially if I don't.
  • Izzy's poops are definitely stinkier.
  • My postpartum body is still at the same weight as it was five months ago! Once the year and Izzy's daycare starts, I will be doing a lot more to stay healthy and active.

Also, today we moved out of our apartment we have been living in for the last year. Today marks the start of a new journey WITH Isabella! I will be writing/creating some blog posts about the new beginning including some home decor, home cleaning, exercise, dance-related, college, and mommy-related subjects! Some if not all of these will be combined in some way, shape, or form. Look forward to those!

Thank you for keeping up with me and my little family. (:



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