I am so happy to try this first "Week in Review". I'm just going to be talking about the highlights of my past week. Hopefully, this turns out somewhat interesting.

Monday (10/19/15)
Izzy's 9 month appointment! She weighs 18 lbs. and 9 oz. and measures about 2 feet long. All she got was 1/2 of a flu shot does that she needs to come back for to get the second shot.
Tuesday (10/20/15)

The same day, I had a final critique for an art project that I've titled "take a penny, leave a penny". This piece is about how I've lost a child and how I've gained a child. It was a lot of fun to do and made me smile the whole time. ^___^
Thursday (10/22/15)
I spent three hours watching the new Heroes season.
Friday (10/23/15)
These brilliant photos came out... and I put the video of the performance up! I'm still reminiscing of last weekend.
Saturday and Sunday (10/24 and 10/25/15)
I've spent this lovely weekend with my family. Yesterday, we took some long walks and watched the NCDF performance at Valborg.
Thanks for tuning in! (:
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