Tonight, EC took me out on a wonderful date. (=
No one's ever been this kind to me. I'm so happy to have him in my life.
We had me get ready by 6 before he got home and told me to hide in the bathroom while he got ready. I opened the door and he had a tiny little cupcake with sparkle sprinkles in it in one hand and I held it while he recited a poem he wrote. UGH. SO CUTE. And the cupcake was - DELICIOUS. Heeeeeee. (=
We went on a little walk around the long way before our reservation at a surprise restaurant. The food was amazing and fancy and they had coffee. We were stuffed before heading home. He baked the last of the cookie batch and we watched "What to Expect". I highly relate to every "pregnant" part of this movie.
Nothing will work unless we do. Nothing will work unless I do.
We're so happy about this pregnancy. Our first one resulted in a traumatizing loss. Now, we have a little miracle on her way. God has been so good to us throughout our relationship. From the day we met, all that we have lost, all that we have gained, getting married, and now. We are so blessed to have what we have and to be where we are and for Isabella to be here with us.
No one can really understand our relationship, our struggle, and our happiness because no one is us. All the harsh judgement is hard to deal with and the encouragement is welcome. But, ultimately, God guides our lives and having complete faith in him helps us see what's right in front of us. Not the words of other people, but each other's hearts and souls. We feel his presence in our marriage. His presence in our little miracle. And we know he will guide us through all the rough times and all the good times.
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