Friday, December 25, 2015

New Years Resolutions 2015

  1. Spend more QT with family
  2. Talk more
  3. Get stronger
  4. Eat better
  5. Be on time
  6. Cook more
  7. Be present
  8. Be selfless
  9. Get the most out of classes

I also made an inspirational image as a wallpaper for my computer and to sum up my resolutions visually. I'm a visual person, so both concise statements and a collage speak volumes to me.



Monday, December 21, 2015

Future Plan

Spring 2017 | Student Teaching and GRADUATE with BACHELORS!

Summer 2017 | Move to Fairfax, VA

Fall 2017 - Summer 2018 | Work on ART / take care of Iz!

Fall 2018 | Start grad school for MASTERS in Arts Management / Start planning for ii.

Spring 2020 | GRADUATE with MASTERS.

Summer 2020 | Start putting ii into motion / Second child??

Just wanted to put this on (paper).

