Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It's February! (I'm a little late)

Hi guys!

I just wanted to give you all a quick update. We haven't vlogged in a month and I haven't really posted in a month either! But here we go...

Some things I am liking:

  • drinking coffee to-go without the lid
    • the small hole they give me to drink my coffee out of does not equal the amount of coffee I need in my body
  • taking fitness classes
    • i've always liked dance classes but my recent semester in a yoga as a somatic practice class opened me up to taking the yoga and pilates classes provided by the school!
    • and they are so fun and so good and I don't even dread going to them like I do the treadmill
  • smoothies
    • i got out of the habit earlier this school year (at the end of last school year bananas + honey+ oj was my jam)
    • now I'm putting Iz's uneaten baby food in them along with spinach and agave nectar instead of honey (it's better and cheaper...)
  • weaving
    • i am in LOVE with my weaving class
    • it's the only art/studio class i'm taking this semester
    • holy goodness it is so fun and satisfying and i wish i could just weave the whole day
  • parenting izzy
    • i know izzy is starting to understand words and phrases and the things we do now
    • it's fun trying to teach her more sign language, as well as, how to unplug things and that outlets are NOT meant for fingers, how to open something (by handing it to us), and pressing buttons is slowly becoming a thing
  • dance classes
    • it's been two years since I took an actual dance class at the university and i am so happy to be back at them
    • i also feel better prepared because my first semester taking mostly dance classes was so confusing...what is across the floor?? pointing my foot??? flexing????
  • arm workouts
    • i bought two 5 lb dumbbells and am very dedicated to my arm workouts
    • i've been doing them every other day and i feel stronger!!!
    • my arms have muscles????

I promise I was trying to make this short. Haha.
Anyway, we are approaching our first competition with the studio. I feel like our kids are getting stressed out and nervous so we'll be bringing them Krispy Kreme during our next rehearsal which will either be tomorrow or Saturday?? And we'll probably bring them something else on Monday?? Maybe valentine's and chocolates? I just want them to have fun and do their best not dread coming to rehearsal and dancing.

That being said, I think we're going to be going to the studio tonight and trying to learn one of the dance classes we bought online! We've had them for a while but haven't really started doing it. (:

There's a workshop this Saturday that we are also going to.

To update you guys on Izzy, this past weekend I noticed something weird with her earrings and took them out. One looked awful and EC and I both realized that she had pulled on it really hard and caused it to rip open. ): It was so heartbreaking and scary but we thankfully got her in the next day to see the doctor who said we could let it close up and have her re-pierce her ears once she's a little older.

She also prescribed her an antibiotic for an ear infection she found and Izzy loves the medicine. She perked up and wanted more and cried when we took it away... Hahaha. Her ears also seem better. When I found it, it was swollen and red but it's now a normal color and doesn't look irritated at all: just split. ): It's still heartbreaking but I understand the earring struggle very well. My mom had to re-pierce my ears a few times and then kept toothpicks and red thread in them to keep them open... She had some traditional methods. Haha.

Anyway, I think that's it!

Talk to you all soon!
